Camplife FAQ
We are so excited for everyone to immerse themselves in camp life at Pine Cove through our CampLife App! We want you to have the best experience possible.
Have questions about getting started? We’ve got you covered. We’re here to help you troubleshoot any problems you might have, and get you on your way to following along with your camper’s Pine Cove experience!
Where can I download the app?
The Pine Cove CampLife App is available for download in the Apple App Store or from Google Play. You can click those links to get the app or just search for “Pine Cove CampLife.”
How do I log in?
You’ll use your Pine Cove registration account– the one you used to sign up your child for camp. Can’t remember your password? Don’t worry, we’ll send it to you. Just click here!
Don’t have an account? You can follow a camper’s feed by asking them for an invite, which will walk you through creating an account.
What are these arrow things on the left?
Those are happy little pine trees, and tapping on them will take you to your home feed! (Or camp feed, if you will. Because camp has trees.) This is your home base, and we’ll put all of the new photos and content right here in this feed!
These little trees just became your new best friends. Hi, trees!
If you’re tagging my child in pictures, does that mean anyone can see their name?
Pictures in the photo gallery of campers from that session are viewable by anyone connected to a camper in that session, but only you as their parent are able to see any tags. No one else is able to see their name or anything else about them.
Can parents tag their own campers?
Yes, parents can tag their own campers in photo galleries! The daily photo galleries do not have auto tagging, so they might contain photos of your child that aren’t tagged. Once tagged, a photo moves to the beginning of a gallery, so it’s easier to find in the future.
How do I use the tagging feature?
While viewing a photo, tap the photo once to bring up the tag icon in the bottom left. Tap this icon and you can choose which of your campers are in the photo. When you see your camper’s name appear below the photo they are now tagged. You can also repeat the process to remove a tag.
Oh, and by the way, tags are private. No one else will see your child’s name or the tags you create on gallery photos or videos.
There are pictures showing up in the app tagged as my child, but that’s totally not my kid.
Uh oh. Let’s get this figured out! Email us to let us know and we’ll help you get it sorted out.
How do I share this cool photo of my camper on social media?
Select the picture that you would like to share, then click the little box with the arrow pointing up in the top right corner of the screen. From there you’ll see a variety of apps to which you can share the photo. Bonus: this also works for camper mail!
Wait, camper mail? Please explain.
Camper mail is available for all overnight youth campers. Twice a week you can send your camper a digital letter that we will then print out and hand to your camper. In addition, your camper will be able to write a letter to you in their own handwriting, and we will send you a virtual copy of the note your camper sent you, and it will show up right in the app! How cool is that?
What’s that little blue “1” over the box icon?
It means you have mail from your overnight camper! They can send you two letters in the app per week, one on Wednesday and one on Friday. If you don’t receive digital mail from your camper, keep in mind that your camper may have chosen not to write anything. So encourage them before they leave for camp to be sure to write you!
It’s not letting me send my camper a letter! Why not?
There’s a few reasons this might be happening. First: you can only send your camper two digital letters per week through the app, once on Tuesday and again on Thursday. So if the option to send a letter is greyed out, it could mean that it’s past the deadline, which is at 10am Tuesday and Thursday. Also, if you decide you want to edit a letter, you may do so by viewing the letter and then tapping ‘Edit’ in the top right corner. Any edits must be completed and saved before the 10am cutoff or the previous version of your letter will be sent to your camper.
Okay, my camper just sent me a HILARIOUS letter. It’s so cute. Can I share it on Facebook?
Absolutely! We’ve enabled social sharing for any and all content that you might want to share on Facebook, Twitter, etc. So when your camper draws a stick figure of themselves on the blob and sends it to you, you will now be able to quickly and easily share that photo on social media! This also goes for photos, blog posts, videos, and other app content, so share away!
I really want to share all this with my sister who lives in Florida. And also my former college roommate. And my mother-in-law. Is that cool?
That is very cool. In fact, we made a special feature just for this occasion! You can invite people to follow your camper’s feed! You will control exactly who gets to see the photos, articles, and other fun content on the app. Just send them a code that they’ll enter once they download the app, and they’ll be good to go!
Actually I changed my mind. I invited someone to follow my child’s feed, but I’d like for them not to be able to see their pictures anymore. Can I un-invite them?
Yes, you can. Head back to the “Invite Others” screen and select the person you’d like to uninvite. You’re now on a screen that says “View Follower.” At the bottom you’ll see a “Remove Access” button. Click on that and they will no longer have access to your camper’s feed.
Can I put money in my camper’s store account through the app?
Absolutely! Just click on the $ icon at the bottom of your screen and you’ll be able to add funds to your camper’s account. You can add money to your camper’s account at any point during the week, right up until Friday morning, as many times as you would like.
Will I be able to see exactly what my camper is buying in the camp store during the week?
Sorry, this feature isn’t available in our app. You’ll just have to wait for them to tell you!
What if my camper starts running out of camp store money?
You can add money to their account at any point during the week, but when your camper’s account dips below $5, you will see a red notification badge on the camp store icon in the app navigation. Then you can decide if you’d like to add more funds to their account.