You’ve seen it on the T-shirts, on the facebook graphics, even on the website.
When I first noticed our “APPLY” theme, I was a little bit confused. Shouldn’t those shirts say more about Pine Cove? Don’t we want to promote actually working at the towers/timbers/shores/outback/ranch/silverado/base camps/camp in the city… It really is a lot of staffers. What if they don’t get it?
I love recruiting for Pine Cove for a lot of reasons, but one of them is because of this very philosophy: We are about encouraging college students to apply their faith this summer. We are about the gospel. We are about the Kingdom.
This mindset helps me breathe deeper as I talk with college students across the country. Often our recruiting booths are set up directly next to multiple Christian camps from all over, yet we’re on the same team. At Pine Cove, we’re looking for quality gospel-driven people who desire to eternally impact the lives of kids and families.
If you’re reading this post, then you probably worked at least one summer at Pine Cove, and you probably came away different. I still remember my little prideful self, coming into my very first summer of camp, and I had no idea what was coming. The Lord worked mightily in my life that summer, and every one since. He taught me how to live outside of myself in an environment that forced this kind of biblical selfless humility.
You probably remember why you applied that first summer, and regardless of your original intentions, the Lord worked in you too. That is precisely the reason to tell your friends to apply. Apply your faith this summer. Encourage others to do the same.
Check out the apply graphics on the Pine Cove Facebook page, and feel free to “apply” them to your Facebook page as well.. Here’s when we’ll be at your school! Spread the word. His story is big. Join in.
Posted Sep 25, 2012
Categories: Summer Staff (Browse all)
Tags: apply, faith, interview, job, recruiting, summer, summer staff
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