Inside the Cove | Summer Staff
We have a saying here at Pine Cove: “Our staff is our program.” We could not do what we do without them! Each year we are continually blown away by the caliber of college staff God brings to us, and this summer was no exception. We’ve found the most effective way to meet new staff is through our current and former staffers… and because we’re seriously fun, we like to make a little competition out of it! Listed below are the Top 10 Schools that were represented amongst the 1,940 staff we hired for Summer 2021.
We can’t wait to see how many staffers will come from these schools (or new schools!) next summer! College students, take this as a little healthy competition and tell your friends to apply!
Want to share your school spirit on Instagram? Download a Story-sized graphic below!
Posted Sep 8, 2021
Categories: Inside the Cove, Summer Staff (Browse all)
Tags: top 10, top 10 schools
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