Tag: summer staff
With 164 Pine Cove staff members currently serving the Lord at camps throughout Latin America, there is no shortage of awesome stories to share! Thankfully we are able to keep up with all of these mission trips on each of their blogs, and you can follow along too! Here is just a taste of some […]
Tags: commission camping, global, latin america, missions, story, summer staff, testimony, trip
I found out just days before Pine Cove’s Leadership Weekend that I would get the privilege of being a leader this summer on the media team, and therefore I would be in attendance. Though I was excited, I was a little nervous and overwhelmed by the fact that my first summer working for Pine Cove […]
Tags: leadership, leadership weekend, lessons, staff, summer prep, summer staff
With 175 Pine Cove staff members serving the Lord at camps throughout Latin America, there is no shortage of awesome stories to share! Thankfully we are able to keep up with all of these mission trips on each of their blogs, and you can follow along too! Here is just a taste of some of […]
Tags: commission camping, global, latin america, missions, story, summer staff, testimony, trip
It is plain to see that Pine Cove has some pretty wacky traditions. What would camp be without the Spirit Stick, count-ems, Christmas in July, and theme nights? Allow me to answer: boring. But my personal favorite tradition, and one that is quite specific to Pine Cove is our use of camp names. Having attended […]
Tags: camp names, summer staff, tradition
The majority of Pine Cove campers could tell you about the amazing life lessons and spiritual truths that they learn each year from their short stay at camp. On the last night of camp each week, Pine Cove has an awesome tradition called “Camper Share” where campers explain to all of camp the valuable things […]
Tags: lessons, mawog, shores, staff, summer staff
Editor’s Note: This following post was written by Rebecca Ross, Children’s Pastor of North Metro Church in Marietta, Georgia, where our Camp in the City team set up camp for Week 3. East of the Mississippi River, Marietta, Georgia is a suburb of the city of Atlanta. It was here that we first experienced the arrival of a […]
Tags: camp in the city, church, partnership, relationships, staff, summer, summer staff, video
If you’re a newcomer to Pine Cove, you might not understand the title of this post. However, our hope is that through the explanation of the gauntlet, you would come to better understand our reasoning behind why we do what we do here at Pine Cove. To start things off, the gauntlet is the avenue […]
Tags: gauntlet, opening day, summer staff, timbers, welcome to camp
Being a leader can be amazingly exciting. Being a leader can also be scary. When I pulled into Tyler for Pine Cove Leadership weekend, I felt an interesting combination of both. I was excited — to see old friends, to bond with new ones, to build community, to be trained, to laugh, to talk, to […]
Tags: leadership, leadership weekend, lessons, staff, summer prep, summer staff
With 180 Pine Cove staff members serving the Lord at camps throughout Latin America, there is no shortage of awesome stories to share! Thankfully we are able to keep up with all of these mission trips on each of their blogs, and you can follow along too! Here is just a taste of some of […]
Tags: commission camping, global, international, latin america, ministry, missions, relationships, story, summer staff, testimony, trip
I always thought that NOTHING could compare to getting to do camp with my friends and campers in Texas. But that’s where Commission Camping comes in! Commission Camping is a program that enables Pine Cove staff, both full-time and summer staff, to partner with Christian Camping International (CCI) to teach people in Latin America how […]
Tags: commission camping, international, latin america, ministry, missions, summer staff, trip