I hope I don’t get in trouble.
During a Bible study today I quit reading my Bible, quit paying attention, and did something I normally would never do: I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture when I should have been dialed in.
It was a powerful moment. It was a moment I wanted to savor by capturing it. Do you ever have those moments? Times you want to record in order to relive in the future?
Bill McKenzie, the founder of Pine Cove, met with our leadership team to encourage us from the book of Nehemiah. It was incredible to hear Bill as he talked about what God was showing him and the challenges that Pine Cove could be facing. Bill spoke about a number of things during our time of study but one moment stood out to me.
Leading us through Nehemiah chapters 1 and 2, Bill observed how God captured Nehemiah’s attention, and in chapter 2 verse 12 Nehemiah reveals that “God had put into (his) heart” for him to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
Tearing up, Bill said, “That is how I felt 50 years ago. It wasn’t me. It was God who stirred in my heart to start Pine Cove.” To be sitting with the founder of a ministry like Pine Cove, in the very first building that Pine Cove built, and to hear him share about this was surreal! This is when I snuck my phone out and took the picture. I want to remember this moment!
My tendency is to forget. God knows this. As a matter of fact, it is the tendency of all mankind. This is why throughout the entire Bible we are commanded to remember. Specifically, in Ephesians 2:12-13 it says, “Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.”
This weekend we celebrate and remember the greatest event in the history of the world: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! It is through this miraculous event that we can walk in the forgiveness and new life that comes through Christ!
Fifty years ago, Pine Cove started with the dream and vision to proclaim that message to the next generation. And it is our hope and prayer that this message will continue to be central to the ministries of Pine Cove! During this time of celebration and remembrance I want to encourage you to do something…
Pause for a moment…
Picture Christ’s death on the cross…
Picture the empty tomb…
Reflect upon the gospel message… Christ came and lived a life we could never have lived… died a death we deserved to die and three days later conquered death, so that we could have life!
I want to remember this moment!
Thank you Jesus!
Happy Easter from Pine Cove!
Posted Apr 13, 2017
Categories: Spiritual (Browse all)
Tags: bible, bill mckenzie, easter, remembering, resurrection, scripture
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