Category: Announcements
Announcements | Inside the Cove
If you had the opportunity to swing through the Shores this past summer, you undoubtedly noticed a beautiful, brand-new building located just above the turf field! With awesome views of the whole camp (not to mention the sparkling waters of Lake Palestine!), the Mahalo is the perfect spot to kick back and take it all […]
Tags: shores, summer, two week camping, youth camp
by Pine Cove
We’re BAAAAACK! The next class of puppies will be at Silverado, the Towers, AND the Springs! It’s an awesome opportunity for campers to learn the importance and responsibility it takes to care for a dog. This class also equips campers with the skills and techniques to train a dog! And through all of it, campers […]
Tags: puppies
by Pine Cove
Thank you again for your patience as we worked through technical issues with our registration software provider. Starting on Monday January 29th, we will be staggering the opening registration time for our church locations. We believe spreading out our open times over three days will help ensure the best possible experience for parents as they […]
Tags: announcements, pine cove city, registration
Pine Cove’s scholarship fund launched in January 2009 as a response to the financial crisis that had begun the previous year. The leadership team at Pine Cove recognized how important camp could be for families who were struggling—a beacon of hope in a time when their lives felt upended by hardships, financial and otherwise. The […]
Tags: life change, ministry, scholarships, transformed
by Pine Cove
Everything in One Place You can find all your pre-camp information in one handy-dandy place right here! We hope you had a great week! We are excited to see you back for closing. We know you will be looking forward to seeing your camper and hearing about their experience. Need directions? The camp address and […]
by Pine Cove
“Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!” That’s right campers, we’re bringing announcements back, and today’s is a BIG ONE! Camp in the City. You know it. You love it. You wish it could happen all year long. (Honestly, us too). Well starting today (that’s today!) you’ll know it by a slightly different name! Camp in the City is […]
The end of summer means exactly three things: 1. Camp is over (no, we’re not ready to talk about it yet), 2. School is around the corner (or maybe “distance learning” in the case of 2020!), and 3. There are lots of important dates coming up in the world of Pine Cove registration! We know […]
by Pine Cove
“I didn’t have any special ability—only my availability. I didn’t know any better than to believe God. I remember praying, ‘Lord, I give You my life today. I will go where You want me to go. I will do what You want me to do. I will say what You want me to say.’” —Bill […]
by Pine Cove
Bill “Red Baron” McKenzie 1930-2019 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” –Ephesians 3:20 It is with great sadness that Pine Cove shares today that its founder, William T. (Bill) McKenzie went to be with the […]
Tags: bill mckenzie
by Pine Cove
We’ve been working hard to complete our renovations at the Bluffs, and we can’t wait for you to see all the improvements! As many of you know, The Point was completed in time for Summer 2016. What an amazing view of Lake Palestine from the Coffee Shop and back porch area! For the summer of 2017, […]
Tags: construction