When Darlene, a military wife and mom from Fort Hood, Texas, learned that her husband was going to be deployed this summer, she knew it was going to be hard. It was always a challenge to parent five little ones, but when her husband was away, it was especially difficult. She longed to plan a vacation or go somewhere fun with the kids, but could never see it happening. Additionally, this was going to be the second deployment in a year’s time, which would be especially hard for the kids.
It is estimated that nearly two million children have parents serving in the military right now. In a way, these children are serving our country too because they sacrifice so much. They have their own unique struggles including stress from frequent relocations, multiple school changes, and the extended absence of one or sometimes both parents due to deployment.
Here at Pine Cove, we have an amazing opportunity to bless those who have sacrificed so much for us: American military families.
Many military families share that camp at Pine Cove provides consistency for their children. No matter where they move, they know that for one week out of every summer, they will be back at camp having the time of their life, re-connecting with the same friends year after year, and making new ones!
In addition to youth camp, several military families also love coming to family camp to strengthen family bonds and grow deeper in their relationship with the Lord. However, some of these families need financial assistance.
Darlene shares, “Pine Cove would be a huge blessing to our family and refreshment from both a practical and a spiritual standpoint. I stay home with our children… It’s easy to get caught up in just treading water and keeping life going while my husband is away and in doing so, we miss out on just stepping out of “real life” and enjoying quality time together. I think that’s what Pine Cove would do for our family…draw us closer to the Lord and closer to each other when we need it the most.”
As you can imagine, there are numerous military families who need financial help to make Pine Cove a reality. We are privileged to show our gratitude for their faithful service by offering scholarship assistance to camp, where they will be ministered to and encouraged, and where they can experience the refreshing touch of Jesus Christ.
We are so grateful for many who have partnered with Pine Cove to come alongside these military families by giving to our scholarship fund, Project 319. As part of East Texas Giving Day today, you can also join us in serving military families by donating here.
Posted May 3, 2017
Categories: Camp Culture (Browse all)
Tags: east texas giving day, giving, ministry to military, scholarships
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